BeVigilant OraFusion System

Granted FDA Breakthrough Device Designation

The BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System is Not Available For Sale in the U.S.

The BeVigilant OraFusion System identifies the presence of biomarkers associated with oral cancer in 15 minutes or less.

BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System with Cassette Open

BeVigilant OraFusion System

With the BeVigilant OraFusion System, clinicians can get a simple and accurate assessment to aid in the early detection of oral cancer. The platform enhances the identification and screening of oral abnormalities by lateral flow immunoassays that detect two salivary biomarkers with clinical risk factors to generate a screening result of “Monitor” or “Investigate Further” results. This suggests the necessity or not for a specialist referral for oral cancer. Learn how it benefits dentists and their patients:

BeVigilant OraFusion Test

Moderate Risk App Chart

How the BeVigilant OraFusion System Works

BeVigilant OraFusion System is an easy-to-use, accurate point-of-care system for frontline healthcare clinicians who assess potentially at-risk patients for oral cancer.

The BeVigilant Reader is an advanced immunochromatography reader that captures the test data and provides the results during the patient’s visit.

Created to improve outcomes through earlier intervention, the BeVigilant OraFusion System is

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easy to use

A simple, non-invasive saliva test eliminates the need for invasive procedures, offering ease and convenience.

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real-time results

Delivering results in just 15 minutes or less, streamlining next steps and treatment decisions.

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highly accurate

Using multiple biomarkers in conjunction with clinical risk factors provides an accurate risk assessment.

The BeVigilant OraFusion System is patent pending and available in select markets outside the United States. Interested in learning more about the technology’s availability in your market?

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*Clinical Data on File