Certificate Verification

BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System

Training and Certification / Acceptance of Responsibility Signature Form

I hereby certify that I have completed the required training for the use and maintenance of the BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System. I have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to operate the device safely and effectively, and I understand the importance of following the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines.

Furthermore, I accept full responsibility for the use, maintenance, and any consequences that may arise from any use or misuse of the BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System unit(s) in my possession. I will use the device only for its intended purpose pursuant to the manufacturer’s written instructions and within the scope of my professional competence. I certify that any staff who use or maintain the BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ System have also completed the required training.

I understand the importance of proper documentation and record-keeping, and I will ensure that accurate records are maintained for the use and maintenance of the device.

I acknowledge that any misuse, negligence, or failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions may cause inaccurate or incomplete results and may ultimately negatively impact patient care. I will take all reasonable precautions to prevent such incidents.