by dex.manley | Aug 1, 2023 | News
A missed cancer diagnosis can be devastating. However, unlike other malignancies, oral cancer is more likely to progress unnoticed until life-threatening stages. This is mainly due to misdiagnosis of early-stage signs and symptoms. One case review found that, among 35...
by dex.manley | Jul 17, 2023 | News
No matter the type of cancer, an early-stage diagnosis is paramount to ensuring patient survival. For many, the journey to a diagnosis begins with a screening. Cancer screening is not intended to make an official diagnosis; however, these assessments can achieve two...
by dex.manley | Jun 7, 2023 | News
Despite rapid innovation in cancer diagnostics and treatment, the oral cancer survival rate has yet to improve. Even after 40 years, the average survival rate has not surpassed 50% — an alarming figure spotlighting the need for more impactful diagnostic and treatment...
by dex.manley | May 15, 2023 | News
Historically, oral cancer was thought to be an age-related malignancy; however, the growing prevalence of associated risk factors expands the demographic to younger age groups. This alarming shift brings to light the critical importance of proactive detection...